We compared clinical and laboratory data between 70 cardiac embolism and 87 arterial embolic patients selected from the 516 patients with cerebral infarction. Patients with cardiogenic embolism were younger in comparison to the arterial embolic patients ( 53±14 yr versus 64±11 yr , p<0.0001). We detected significantly higher rate of transient ischemic attacks (38 % versus 10 %), ischemic heart disease (25% versus 13%) and obesity ( 33% versus 18%) in arterial embolic patients than in cardiac embolic patients. ıt has been shown that in cardioembolic strokes abrupt onset is more obvious observed, whereas the progressive course was more dominant in arterial embolic strokes.
Keywords: Cardiac embolism, Arterial embolism, stroke516 serebral enfarktlı hasta arasından seçilen 70 kardiyak embolik ve 87 arteryel embolik hastada klinik ve laboratuar bulguları karşılaşbnldı. Kardiojenik embolizmli hastalar, arteryel embolik hastalara göre daha gençti ( 53±14 yıl ve 64±11 yıl , p< 0.0001). Kardiyak embolik hastalara göre arteryel embolik hastalarda daha yüksek oranda geçici iskemik atak (%38 ve% 10), iskemik kalp hastalığı ( %25 ve %13) ve obesite ( %33 ve %18) tespit edildi. Kardiojenik stroklarda akut başlangıcın daha mutad olduğu, halbuki progressif seyirin arteryel embolik inmelerde daha belirgin olduğu görüldü.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Kardiyak embolism, Arteryel embolism, inme.