ISSN 1301-1375 | e-ISSN 2146-9113

Instruction to Authors/Publishing Guidelines

    “Turkish Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases” is the official journal of Turkish Cerebrovascular Diseases Society / Türk Beyin Damar Hastalıkları Derneği. It is a scientific peer-reviewed journal. It publishes reports of any aspect related to the cerebral vascular circulation and its diseases from many disciplines, including neurology, neurosurgery, rehabilitation, internal medicine, neuro-otology, neuro-ophthalmology, vascular surgery, radiology, nuclear medicine, anaesthesiology, critical care medicine, epidemiology, vascular physiology, neuropathology, neurophysiology, vascular neurology, interventional vascular neurology and neurological intensive care. Cerebrovascular diseases, Interventional neurology, Vascular neurology, Neurological intensive care, Stroke epidemiology, Secondary protection in stroke, Acute stroke treatment, Endovascular treatment are special interests of the journal.
    It publishes reports of clinical and basic investigation as original investigations, short communications, case reports, medical news, and abstracts of literature, letter to the editor, basic science and review papers.
    All manuscripts is controlled by Grammarly and iThenticate Plagiarism Programs. The articles can be rejected according to the results of the plagiarism screening. If plagiarism is detected, the relevant institutions may be reported about the authors. In this case, the authors may have to deliver the raw results of their work to the responsible institutions.
    The publication language of journal is Turkish and English. Proper use of Turkish language is of special importance. Turkish Language Institution dictionary should be taken as basic for literary language ( Papers written in English language are particularly supported and encouraged. Latin anatomical terms should be used. Terms situated daily medical practice should be written as read properly for Turkish writing rules. Terms written English or another foreign language should be remarked with quotation marks.
    Manuscripts should be prepared according to ‘Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals Editors’ standards which constitute and update by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
    Accepted or published papers become permanent property of ‘Turkish Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases’, but this is an ‘Open Access’ journal and it provides immediate access to its all contents. The Journal aims to promote the development of global Open Access to scientific information and research.
    The Publisher provides copyrights of all online published papers (except where otherwise noted) for free use of readers, scientists, and institutions (such as link to the content or permission for its download, distribution, printing, copying, and reproduction in any medium, except change of contents and for commercial use), under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 Unported (CC BY-NC) License, provided the original work is cited. Written permission is required from the publisher for use of its contents for commercial purposes. There is not partial or full subscription for articles or journal and no price is demanded for submission or publication of article from authors. Authors are deemed to have accepted these conditions as soon as their manuscripts are accepted.
    The received and accepted dates of the articles except the reviews are specified in the number of articles published.
    The journal is published 3 times a year, in April, August and December.
    Copyright transfer form click to download.

    Submitted manuscripts should not contain previously published material or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Prior presentations at scientific meetings and thesis are allowed, and this condition must be notified in the title page. When submitting a paper, authors should make a full statement to the editor about all submissions and previous reports that might be regarded as redundant publication of the same or similar work.
    Manuscripts are pre-reviewed by editör(s). Authors are encouraged to send names as well as complete address and e-mail address of the potential reviewers. Manuscripts are sent to minimum two independent reviewers by editor according to topic of report. These reviewers should not to be a member of advisory board. All reviewers remain anonymous. Author(s) or the institution information is not shered with the reviewers.
    All manuscripts are also reviewed by a third reviewer for appropriates of statistical analysis if needed. Final decision regarding the acceptance of the submitted article belongs to editor-in-chief.
    The editor has the authority to send back, format or refuse to the manuscript that do not comply with the publication conditions.
    Any financial or other support from any person or institution should be mentioned under the heading of Conflict of Interest. Also in studies with multiple authors, the roles of every author should be defined (Surgical and Medical Practices, Concept, Design, Data Collection or Processing, Analysis or Interpretation, Literature Search, Writing)
    Turkish Jpurnal of Cerebrovascular Diseases expects that every author meets at least one of the following internationally accepted criteria; Contributed in the preparation of the project, or obtained, analyzed or interpreted data of the study, Made a significant contribution to writing or intellectual development of the article,
    Additionally, all of the authors should give consent to correctness, originality, and wholeness of the study.

    REFERENCES: References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text and must be typed on a separate sheet in accordance with Index Medicus model. If resource about issue is only proceeding, it should be used, otherwise proceedings shouldn’t be used as reference. Cite authors under 3, ‘et al.’ is not sufficient, authors more than 3 should be cited as ‘et al.’ Abbreviate journal names according to the Index Medicus system as examples below. Do not use abbreviations for the periodicals that did not exist in Index Medicus (also see, International Committee of Medical Journal Editors: Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. Br Med J 1988; 296: 401-405).
    Reference management software can be used to facilitate referencing citations. EndNote style for Turkish Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases can be downloaded from the link (REF: 80340);

    Papers published in periodicals: Yasue H, Omote S, Takizawa A, et al. A case report of acute myocardial infarction induced by ergotamine. Angiology 1981; 32(1): 414-418.
    Monographs: Matthews DE, Farewell VT: Using and Understanding Medical Statistics, Basel, Karger, 1985; 35-52.
    Edited books: Lambert CD. Neurological manifestation of acquired cardiac disease and dysrhythmias. In: Aminoff MJ ed. Neurology and General Medicine. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1989; 69-83.
    TABLES AND FIGURES: The placement of figures and tables in the text must be signed. Tables should be numbered in roman numerals and these numbers and the title must be written above the table. Do not use vertical lines in the tables, Use horizontal lines above and below the column headings and at the bottom of the table only. Indicate footnotes in the table in this order: (*, †, ‡, §, ¶, #, **, etc). Legends of figures, graphics and photographs should be written in an order on a separate sheet. Electronic files of figures should be mailed as JPEC or TIF format (at least 300 dpi). Diagnostic imaging such as radiograph, CT and MRI images and photos of pathological specimens must be in size at 127-173 mm with high resolution (at least 300 dpi). Letters, numbers and symbols on images should be at readable sizes. İmages must be understood on their own as much as possible. If photos of patients will be used, written permission from patients’ relatives must be obtained. Captions and annotate for figures, graphics and photos should be written on a separate page. When symbols, arrows, numbers or letters are used to identify the parts of figure, each one should be clearly described on annotates. Authors have to be written permission of the copyright holder and must be indicated that if there is any published citation, table, figure etc into paper.

    Turkish Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases accepts in principle to keep the ethical standards of Helsinki Declaration ( /30publications/10policies/b3/index.html). Therefore, manuscripts that describe studies on humans must indicate in Material and Methods/Patients and Methods sections that the study was carried out in aacordance with ethical principles and the study approved by an institutional review committee and informed consent was obtained from all cases and volunteers. Reports of studies on animals must indicate in Material and Methods section that the procedures followed were in accordance with Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals ( and approved by an institutional review committee.
    A copy of Ethical Aprroval should be uploaded the syste.
    If the study is supported by or any income is received from a scientific institute and/or a commercial sponsor, the authors must document the input of the scientific institute and/or sponsoring company in study design, collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and writing the reports.
    All of the responsibility of submitted papers will belong to the authors of the manuscript. Editorial board has the authority to send back the papers to the author to revise, not to print the papers that are not appropriate with the press rules, and to arrange them formally. Unaccepted papers (except for the original figures, drawings, pictures or photographs) will not be returned to the authors. Authors must keep a copy of their paper.
    If a possible scientific error, ethical violation, or allegation is encountered in the manuscript, the Turkish Journal of Cerebrovascular Diseases reserves the right to submit the investigation to the investigation of the support organizations or other authorities. This journal accepts the responsibility to properly track the problem, but does not assume the actual investigation or the power to make decisions about errors.

    Manuscripts are only accepted as online ( It should be prepared on an IBM consistent- software (Microsoft Windows, no fewer than Word 98). Pages should be respectively numbered from first to last pages. All manuscripts must contain the following sections (specified as a, b, c).
    1. Author information page: Author page must include; full title of the article, authors' names, ORCID ID, highest academic degree earned by each, authors' affiliations, name and complete address, contributions (Surgical and Medical Practices (AA, BB etc), Concept, Design, Data Collection or Processing, Analysis or Interpretation, Literature Search, Writing) telephone number and e-mail address for correspondence. Authors must write the names, mail addresses, and if exists, e-mails of the editors that they want their papers to be sent, on this page. Also, Copyright Transfer Form which include the signatures of all authors should be e-mailed to concurrently to online manuscript registry ( Also, ORCID IDs of all authors should be uploaded the stsyem.
    2. Acknowledgements and Funding Page: This section lists all sources of funding for the research discussed in the study, plus substantive contributions of individuals or centres. When expressing appreciation to another scientist for assistance with the research or manuscript, such an acknowledgment may imply endorsement of data and conclusions. If the study had previously presented as report in any congress or symposium, it should be indicated in this paper. Also, conflict of interest statement should be mentioned in this page.

    3. Title page: It must include, a full title and a cover title (Turkish and English). Three keywords at least should be selected according to Index Medicus. The following sections are established features of the Journal; Case report, Research article, review etc. To ensure that the manuscript is considered for one of the following sections, the name of the intended section should appear at the top of the title page. Abbreviations used in the article should be internationally accepted, should be clearly written where they were first used, and their abbreviated form should be shown in parentheses. All manuscripts should be included Turkish and English abstracts , except for letters to the editor and clinical appearance letter. Abbreviations should be avoided as much as possible. References, figures, tables and references should not be included. It should not exceed 250 words.
    There should be at least 3 keywords (Turkish and English) suitable for Index medicus for each article type.

    Authors should specify only current and basic facts. The case report at maximum 2000 words, should included figures and tables. Case reports are subject to advisory board review. Informed consent from the case (s) mentioned in the article must have been obtained and this information must be stated in the text

    Case studies with more than 3 patients are categorized as Short Communications. Maximum length, 3000 words, including tables or figures. Short communications are subject to advisory board review.

    This forum expresses views about articles published in the journal. Maximum length, 1000 words including references. The editor invites responses to letters as appropriate. Letter to editors are subject to editorial review.

    Manuscripts in a review format including the basic knowledge about cerebrovascular diseases are categorized under this section. Word limit is 6000, and they are subject to advisory board review.

    These are the writings on the current events about cerebrovascular diseases and they are subject to editorial review.

    These are the manuscripts that were written by authors focused on a subject about cerebrovascular diseases on the light of their previous studies. Review articles are written by the invitation of the editor. These articles are not subject to editorial review, are only revised formally. Word limit is 8000, including the tables and figures. Structured abstract can’t be used, but Turkish and English abstracts are needed.

    Maximum length for manuscripts is 5000 words, including title page, abstract, references, legends, and tables. All papers must include below sections with the pages that were noticed above as a, b, c:
    Turkish and English Abstract: The abstract should be structured, and should have the following headings; Background and Purpose, Methods, Results, and Discussion and Conclusion. Limit use of acronyms and abbreviations and be concise (250 words, maximum).

    Main Text: The following are typical main headings; Information, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. Abbreviations should be clarified at first used situation into the text.

    Introduction: General knowledge about the subject and the aim of the study must be given.

    Methods and Materials: For any apparatuses used in Methods, the complete names of manufacturers must be supplied. Methods and (including the statistical methods) and process should be clarified. Generic names of used drugs should be given. If a well known method was used, there is no need for a detailed description, but reference(s) about the subject must be given. It should be stated that the study was conducted in accordance with the Research and Publication Ethics and that the Ethics Committee Approval was obtained, and the number and date of the Ethics Committee Approval should be stated in parentheses.

    Results: Results of the study must be given by text, tables, figures and drawings in an order that was used in the methods. All the data in tables, figures, drawings and photographs must not be repeated in the text, only the important ones must be noticed and summarized. The placement of tables, figures, drawings and photographs must be signed in the text.

    Discussion: New and important results of the study must be discussed corresponding to previous literature knowledge. Conclusion of the author(s) and, if there is, advisements for the future studies must be noticed.

    References: References should consist of up-to-date publications as much as possible. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. Instructions about the references is found in the General Instructions section.

    Mailing Address:
    Prof. Mehmet Akif Topcuoglu, MD
    Türk Beyin Damar Hastalıkları Derneği/Turkish Cerebrovascular Diseases Society
    Address: Hacı Alibey Mahallesi Çelikel Sokak Sakarya İşhanı No: 1/38 Tepebaşı-Eskişehir
    Phone: 0530 084 85 60

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